Warwickshire Dragonfly Group

Previous species
Scarce Blue-tailed damselfly Ischnura pumilio.

Common hawker Aeshna juncea.

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The species belies its vernacular name being relatively unusual in Warwickshire. Records are confined to the north and east of the county. Until a series of sighting in the south-easterly part of the county in the '90s a clear correlation with the more acid conditions in the north was noticeable.

Records for Sutton Park in 2001 were received from the Park rangers Stephan Bodnar and Barry Rowe.

The Warwickshire branch of Butterfly Conservation recorded the species at ten sites in 2003, most in the north of the county. Some records are for late June/early July making confusion with Migrant Hawker A. mixta less probable.

There is some doubt regarding some identifications, confusion with Migrant Hawker A. mixta is possible. The author has not been fortunate enough to see the species in the county during 30 years of recording dragonflies here. This is in spite of carefully looking for it in some of the more likely sites in the North of the county. However, some of the records are certainly for Common Hawker, the problem is knowing which they are.

The presence of the species breeding in the county remains to be positively confirmed.


Banner artwork by Joan Sharrett

Last updated Sat Mar 14 17:26:42 2020

Visits since March 2020: 2080