Dragonfly Group
The Warwickshire Dragonfly Group is an informal
association of county based dragonfly and damselfly enthusiasts. It
is the county local group of the British Dragonfly
Society and a specialist group of the Warwickshire
Wildlife Trust .
The interests of group members vary from simple delight in seeing
these lovely creatures to a more intensive recording of the status
of Odonata in the county. New members of all levels of ability and
interest are welcome to the Group. Please contact the Co-ordinator
by email, telephone or post.
Peter Reeve, Co-ordinator WDG
The Outspan
Leamington Hastings
Near Rugby CV23 8DZ
Email: peteratreeve60dotorgdotuk |
- "What would the world be, once
- Of wet and wildness? Let them
be left,
- O let them be left, wildness
and wet;
- Long live the weeds and the
wilderness yet"
- Extract from "Inversnaid" by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Banner artwork by Joan Sharrett Last updated Sat Jun 06 17:38:09 2020
| Visits since March 2020: 4102 |