Dragonfly Atlas - Recording Information Page
Warwickshire Wildlife Simple
Monitoring Protocol
Dragonfly Monitoring and Recording
What happens to your records
Dragonfly Monitoring and Recording
Monitoring changes of dragonflies
populations over the years needs a standard recording procedure to
be followed. The recording protocol below has been developed by
the British Dragonfly Society (BDS) to meet monitoring
requirements. By following the protocol the value of your
contribution to the monitoring of national and regional
populations is maximised. There are basic requirements that must
be adhered to in order to satisfy the requirements. In addition
there are a number of extra requirements that increase the value
of what you do if you can fulfil them.
Even if you do not follow the
protocol your records are still valuable and will help determine
species distribution and breeding status but they will not be
suitable for population monitoring.
Monitoring protocol
Monitoring must be at water bodies:
pond, lake, river or canal. This is because dragonflies must
return to water to breed but can disperse widely when away from
breeding sites. Recording in sites away from water bodies, e.g.
woodland, is not suitable for population monitoring although
records from these areas are still useful in determining
The weather conditions are important
when monitoring adult dragonflies to ensure there is a reasonable
chance of them being active. Ideally there should be less than 60%
cloud cover, little wind (no more than Force 3) and an air
temperature of at least 15°C. Remember these are ideal conditions
but it must be bright and warm.
Basic protocol requirements:
1. Record the date of your visit –
2. Record the location by name (on OS map) and, very importantly,
give the OS grid reference to at least six figures (easy with a
GPS device).
3. Record the presence of all species that you see. This is very
important because the statistical technique used to track
population trends will imply that any species not on your list is
absent on that occasion.
These are the three basic
requirements to ensure that your records are valuable for
The following extra requirements
give added value:
4. Try to make repeated visits to the
location(s) you visit - up to at least three times a year through
the spring/summer period May to September. Monthly would be ideal
if practical. This is the most important extra requirement.
6. Record estimates of the numbers of each species seen. Remember
it is an estimate and can be recorded in a number category. The
categories are defined below.
7. Record breeding activities and life cycle seen for each
species. For the list of activity/cycle see below.This is
important in assessing what species are or might be breeding at a
When monitoring it may be more practical to estimate the number
of each species present rather than counting to absolute numbers.
Estimate codes are A=1, B=2-5, C=6-20, D=21-100, E=101-500 &
and life cycle
Try to give information on activity and life cycle together with
numbers. That is: Adult (Ad), Copulating Pairs (Co), Ovipositing
(Ov), and, if you are confident of your identification, Larva (La)
Exuvia (Ex), Pre-flight Emergent (Em). Use the symbol 'y' to
indicate the activity/stage without a numbers estimate. This
information is very important in assessing the likelihood of
breeding of a species at a site.
Example of
how to supply the records
A good example of how the data might be supplied where all the
above information is recorded is shown below. It is very important
that you clearly state if you have recorded all species seen.
To Peter Reeve.
By email to; peter@reeve60.org.uk - Preferred option.
Or by post to: The Outspan, Leamington Hastings', CV23 8DZ
Stockton Railway Cutting
Kay and Peter Reeve
Field Record
All species: yes
Large Red Damselfly |
Azure Damselfly |
Common Blue Damselfly
Four-Spotted Chaser |
Black-Tailed Skimmer
If you prefer there is a paper Warwickshire Odonata Record Form
which you can fill in by hand and send to Peter Reeve. But
supplying records by email is much preferred. A PDF copy can be
down loaded and printed from here.
An example of a filled record form is shown below.
records to:
Peter Reeve, WDG co-ordinator,
The Outspan
Leamington Hastings
Near Rugby
Warwickshire CV23 8DZ
Or email: peteratreeve60dotorgdotuk
What happens to your records
The atlas of the distribution of
dragonflies and damselflies of Warwickshire is currently published
only on this website. The distribution maps for the species are
generated using the data supplied by recorders. In the future the
Atlas may be published in booklet form.
The Atlas is only as good as the
records it is based on. When records are received they are checked
and, if necessary, more information will be requested from the
recorder. Records are entered into a computer database especially
designed for recording dragonflies and based on the British
Dragonfly Society (BDS) Darter package. Once the data is in Darter
it enables the rapid and automated update of the distribution maps
and other information for the website as records are received.
At year end all the records for
Warwickshire gathered during the year are sent to the National
Dragonfly Recording Network co-ordinated by the British Dragonfly
Society (BDS). The BDS does additional checks on the data and
integrate the Warwickshire records with all the records received
from across the British Isles. The integrated data are sent on to
the National Biodiversity Network Gateway web site. (The web
address of this site is: http://data.nbn.org.uk/.) The
casual visitor to the NBN web site can interrogate databases for
different groups of organisms (not just dragonflies) and produce
10km square dot distribution maps for different species. More
privileged levels of access to the data are available on request.
The data are a valuable resource
available to help in the conservation and study of dragonflies.
The data will become even more valuable over future years as more
records are acquired.So please make a point of recording what you
see in the current year and send your records to Peter Reeve.
Banner artwork by Joan Sharrett Last updated Tue Jul 07 17:17:28 2015
| Visits since March 2020: 3464 |