Warwickshire Dragonfly Group

Previous species
Lesser Emperor dragonfly Anax parthenope

Hairy dragonfly Brachytron pratense

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The rediscovery of this species at Alvecote Pools in the north of the county by Brian Mitchell in 1992 after some 50 years absence was one of the odonating event of the 1990s for Warwickshire. Since Brian found it there have been regular sightings each year at Alvecote and it is now well established there.

A second population was found at Stockton Quarry in 1999.

Breeding has been proved at both these sites. Both are post-industrial brown-field sites. Such sites are important for dragonflies and other wildlife in Warwickshire as elsewhere in Britain and it is important to protect them from development. An interesting observation is the difference in quality of the water at these two sites. At Alvecote, unusually for Warwickshire, the water is acidic, highly so in some pools. Stockton is a limestone quarry.

An adult female was recorded at Kenilworth 31/5/2002 and a male on the Oxford Canal near Wormleighton in 2007 at the early date of 26 April.

In 2009 much more significant sightings the species were made at two new sites. Napton and Wormlieghton reservoirs. Several males and females were seen on different occasions at both locations. The males were holding territory and copulation was observed so there is the possibility of two new breeding sites being established. Proof will have to await the finding of exuvia or observing emergence. Both these reservoirs are part of the Canal system and subject to  considerable variation of water level through the year. It will be interesting to see if the dragonflies can tolerate this and breed.


Banner artwork by Joan Sharrett

Last updated Sat Mar 14 17:26:42 2020

Visits since March 2020: 2163