Warwickshire Dragonfly Group


BDS National Dragonfly Atlas to be published in 2013:
Warwickshire County (Vice county 38)

What is it?

The British Dragonfly Society (BDS) is to publish a new atlas of dragonflies of the British Isles in 2013. The previous edition was published in 1995 and those recording in the county at the time contributed to it.

The distribution maps in the new atlas will show the presence or absence of species in 10 kilometre squares throughout the British Isles for the period 2001 to 2012. (Post and pre 2000 records will also be shown.). Further information can be found on the BDS  National Dragonfly Atlas web page.

How have we done?

2001 to 2012 no. of records
The histogram shows the number of records per year for the period 2001 to 2012 - the recording period for the New BDS Dragonfly Atlas. Over a thousand have been received for the final four years. In the whole atlas recording period the total is 9547 records.

The total number of records sent in by recorders in 2012 was 1379. Some were for earlier years and of these some were the first  for a species in10km squares for the atlas recording period. The total for 2012 was 1359 and of these 1326 are for VC38, the other 33 for Staffordshire, VC39. The VC38 total is the maximum ever achieved for a single year's recording.
Species counts

This map is an analysis of the records for VC38 during 2012. In each 10k square the first figure above the line is the number of species recorded in that square for the recording period 2001 to 2011 and the figure following the plus sign is the number of new species  recorded in 2012. The total number of species seen in each square from 2001 to 2012 is the sum of these two numbers. The figure below the line is the number of species recorded  in the period 1960 to 2012. Additional species were recorded in 13 squares 2012 and, notably, 5 in SP17.

Atlas final species counts

The map on the left is an analysis of the records for VC38 comparing, for each 10k square, the total number of species recorded in the atlas period 2001 to 2012 with the number in the previous period 1961 to 2000. The figure for the atlas period is the first one on the top and the one on the bottom for the earlier period (note, this figure is for a different period than that in the previous map). On the top, the positive and negative numbers in the brackets are, respectively, new species recorded in the atlas period and species seen in the earlier period but not during the atlas period. To an extent, the negative numbers represent "lost opportunities" for recording of species in the square however some of the "missing" species are rarities which would require a lot of luck to see.

The recorded status of each individual species is shown on maps below for where they occur in squres for the periods 1961 to 2000 and 2001 to 2012 and for the whole perioc 1961 to 2012

The full distribution maps in County Atlas differentiate between records for the periods up to 2001 and 2001 to 2012 the latter matching the recording period for the new BDS National Dragonfly Atlas.

Species maps


Azure DamselflyBanded DemoiselleBeautiful DemoiselleBlue-tailed DamselflyCommon Blue DamselflyEmerald DamselflyLarge Red DamselflyRd-eyed DamselflyScarce Blue-tailed DamselfySmall Red-eyed DamselflyVariable DamselflyWhite-legged Damselfly


Black DarterBlack-tailed SkimmerBroad-bodied ChaserBrown HawkerClub-tailed DragonflyCommon DarterCommon HawkerEmperor DragonflyFour-spotted ChaserGold-ringed DragonflyHairy DragonflyKeeled SkimmerMigrant HawkerLessr EmperorRed-veined DarterRuddy DarterSouthern HawkerScarce ChaserVarrant EmprorYellow-winged Damselfly

Greater than 2000 mark 2001 to 2012
Combo mark 1961 to 2012

Less the 2001 mark 1961 to 2000

Banner artwork by Joan Sharrett

Last updated Tue Jan 01 18:14:06 2013

Visits since Oct 2010: 15689