Warwickshire Dragonfly Group

Warwickshire Dragonfly Group

Answers to ID of odd individuals

As individuals age their appearance can change due to ageing and life experiences.

This is what affected Emerald Damselfly shown in the top picture. It must have experienced an "excursion" into to the mud at some stage and managed to extricate itself. While it is fairly clear from the photo what species it is in the field, when seen at some distance it can easily confused.

The bottom case is different. It is an example of the great variability in colouration of female Blue-tailed Damselflies. The "Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Ireland" by Dijkstra and Lewington shows it is a C-type female. As they note, this form can become very dark with age making them even more confusing.

Banner artwork by Joan Sharrett

Last updated Wed Sep 23 22:38:27 2015

Visits since Oct 2010: 839